If your question is not answered below, feel free to e-mail us at info@redcobaltindustries.com
1. We would like to put out a Japanese edition of our record. Could you release our record in Japan?
We tend to seek out the bands that we want to work with, so we rarely work with unsolicited bands. That said, we are always open to the idea of working with some awesome artists. So feel free to send a link/promo of your band to info@redcobaltindustries.com If we dig your stuff and are interested in working with you, we will contact you.
2. Our band would like to tour Japan. Could you book a tour for us?
We don't usually book tours for bands that are not on our label. In Japan, it is incredibly expensive to set up tours, so we only do tours for our in-house bands to help promote their record. Occasionally, we would book tours and set up shows for friends' bands.
3. Can you give my band some pointers on how to tour Japan?
Absolutely, we are always happy to point bands in the right direction. Check out this useful website to begin with. It's the most accurate article I've found out on the net. http://japanmusicmarketing.com/article3.htm
4. I run a distro/record shop and we would like to get a hold of your records. Where can I purchase them wholesale?
If you are located in Japan, then you can either order it directly from us or you can contact CR JAPAN. If you are located in the US please contact Gavin at STICKFIGURE DISTRIBUTION. European customers can contact us directly.
5. I want to trade with your label. Do you do trades?
We used to trade, but we ended up with a lot of unsold records sitting on the shelves. Since scaling back our distro, we don't move as many records as we used to. So we don't really trade unless it is for individual copies for our own personal collection.
6. I'm an artist/illustrator and I'm interested in doing the artwork for a Red Cobalt release. Can I send you some samples/portfolio of my work?
We usually let the bands choose the artist. However, if you feel that your artwork would be of a good fit, we are happy to look at some samples of your work. We have been very lucky to have artwork done by a number of very talented people. You can find them in our links page